
Showing posts from December, 2017

Happy birthday Mr. Schick !!

Today in human geogrpahy we ate food. We had a pink and blue population pyramid cake for Mr. Schicks birthday. Also cookies that Mr. Schick brought it which was pretty cool. People were dancing to christmas music in the corner for some reason, which was kinda funny. We got to hear the incredible story of Mr. Schicks birth and how he was almost born in a manger like jesus. It was actually a fun class, and really nice right before the weekend.

Exam Notes

Exam Notes: Human Geography is the branch of Geography that deals with the study of people and their communities, cultures, economies, and interactions with the environment by studying their relations with and across Human geography focuses on space and place, how people make places, how we organize space and society, how we interact with each other, how we make sense of ourselves and others. A map is a scale model of the real world, made small enough to work with on a desk or computer. It can be a hasty here’s-how to-get-to-the-party sketch, an elaborate work of art, or a precise computer-generated product. A map serves two purposes: It is a tool for storing reference material and a tool for communicating geographic information . As a communications tool,  a map is often the best means for depicting the distribution of human activities or physical features, as well as for thinking about reasons underlying a certain characteristic or feature . In this sense, we us...


Today in human geography, we got back our tests and we talked about our upcoming exams. I'm glad I got a good grade on the test, I think I absorbed the info pretty well. I'm also glad I will be taking the exam is the same room I have human geo in. I think I'd do better being in the same room because I don't really have to adjust to a new environment I can just get straight to it and treat it like any other test. I'm a little bit nervous for the exams, but I'm glad I will be getting all my study guides before the weekend so I will have plenty of time to look stuff over. We went over the details of what would happen and how long it would be.