A message to Garcia/5 point plan

My interpretation of A Message to Garcia is that hard workers are rare, valuable and great people. Also that people who are lazy do not get very far in life. Elbert Hubbard used the example of someone working in an office, and they asked one of their workers to look something up in an encyclopedia. But the worker complains and tries to get out of doing the job. This is Hubbard's way of saying how many people try to get out of doing a job or try to put as least effort as possible while doing it. Hubbard also made a point of how there is a constant process of weeding out in all jobs. The incompetent and lazy get fired. He uses the example of a worker that he describes as extremely lazy and very stupid getting fired and looking for work, even though no one would hire him. Towards the end, Hubbard especially emphasized how much these hard workers needed. ''Civilization is one long anxious search for just such individuals. Anything such a man asks will be granted; his kind is so rare that no employer can afford to let him go. He is wanted in every city, town, and village - in every office, shop, store and factory." I agree with Elbert Hubbard. I do believe that there are a lot of lazy people these days not willing to work. I also agree that those same people will not get far and that if you're going to do a job, do it right.

I have a pretty good plan for freshman year at John Carroll. The most important thing for me is academics. It comes before pretty much everything. Clubs and other activities come second. Often people get really caught up in other activities which causes their grade to lower. I try to avoid this. Another thing I do is try to do is put the extra effort on every single assignment, no matter what class. Even if that means loosing a little more down time, its better to get it done and done well. I set apart a little extra time for revising and fixing mistakes. I also like to do is homework as soon as I possibly can. As soon as I get home or get a free mod, I do my homework. To help with getting to class on time, I try to visit my locker only 2-3 times a day. Sure, running up the steps to get to class is a great exercise, but detention wouldn't seem like much fun. Finally, I am going to try to stay organized by color coding my classes and having different colored notebooks/folders for each class. For example, while biology would be green, health would be blue. Overall, I think it's a pretty good plan and I think I will have a successful freshman year.


  1. That was a good recap and analysis of the Hubbard essay, worth a 50 out of 50 grade. Plus, I really like your Action Plan. You go into good detail, and I especially think avoiding detention is a fine idea. There were just a few errors in it; thus a 49/50. Total grade: 99/100. Nice work!


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