My first day of attending classes at JC

       My first day at John Carroll was very good. I was expecting something a little different, but what I experienced was still good. I arrived slightly late to my first class because I was misinformed that it was a different letter day. However, I was excused and not marked late. I appreciated this greatly and promised to myself that I would arrive on time next time.
       I learned what I needed for my Human Geography class, what I should expect, and what my teacher was like. After that, I headed to my next class, algebra. I enjoy math so I found the practice problems my teacher, Mr. McIntyre, gave to me very easy. Then I had my normal classes, Biology, Health and Wellness, and then finally, Intro to Bible. In these classes, I learned the basics of the each class, like where to sit, what I would be learning, etc. I appreciated the friendliness of the teachers and students. It was a very nice environment to work in. Overall, it was a good day and now I am looking forward to my time at John Carroll more then ever.


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