Day before test

Today in human geography we went over what to study for the big test tomorrow. There were some things we needed to know:
- The guy who made time zones
- What cartography is
- What meridians are
- What prime meridians are
- There are 27 time zones
- Mercator vs Peters map
- what globalization is
- Thinking globally and locally (one example of it)
- what a cultural landscape is
- Why every place on Earth is unique
- Site vs Situation
- And what a geographic coordinate system is

Sir Sanford Fleming made time zones.
Cartography is the fine art of making maps.
Meridians are imaginary longitude lines that stretch across the earth and reach across the North and South pole.
Prime Meridian is a meridian which has a longitude of 0 degrees and runs through Greenwich, England.
Mercator map is more recognized however it distorts the size of objects as the latitude increases from the Equator to the poles. Peters is less recognized however it is more accurate.
Globalization is the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operation on an international scale.
One example of thinking globally but acting locally is buying an electric car. It might not seem like it will affect the entire world, but it actually helps the health of the environment.
A cultural landscape is a combination of cultural, economic, and physical features giving a region character.
Site is a physical characteristic of a place. Situation is the location and surroundings of a place.
A geographic coordinate system uses a three-dimensional spherical surface to define locations on the earth.


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