Global Warming and Oil

Today in human geography we talked about a bunch of different stuff. We mainly talked about how oil is slowly running out. The United States is the leading exporter in Oil and ranked third in imports. We use so much plastic in the U.S which is a problem because there's only so much oil. There are much better alternatives that are better for the environment. Using things like electronic cars and solar panels would help, however, to preserve its immense profit, the coal and oil industry encourages not using these alternatives because "it's too expensive." Oil spills have been proven to be extremely terrible things for the environment, however, with solar panels that's not an issue. We also talked about the issue of global warming. The Earth is heating up rapidly and burning coal constantly is not helping. With the increase of temperature, the Gulf of Mexico would face more threat from hurricanes that get more powerful from all the heat. After all, there was like 7 hurricanes in the Gulf and Atlantic Ocean at once this hurricane season. One of them even spanned the size of Florida. Not to mention hurricane Harvey sunk the entire city of Houston 2 inches. It is very terrifying to think about this because what is it going to be like in 50 years? Will we be prepared? Towards the end of class, we talked about how the second guy on the moon who is like an 80 year old man punched another guy in the face because he kept harrassing him.


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