More Population Pyramids

Today in human geography we watched a few videos on population pyramids. The first one, which was a TED educational video explained what a population pyramid was and why it was important. Population pyramids can be used to predict the future of a country which can be used to allow leaders to make important decisions for the country. For example, China's population was growing very rapidly and it was already enormous enough so the Chinese government implemented ZPG which lowered the growth rate of China's people. This ultimately helped the country as overpopulation can cause many problems like food shortages. We also talked a bit about industrialization and how a country is either pre industriziled, industrialized or post industrialized. Also how humans have progressed very much in the past few hundred years, as our technology has greatly improved and our population has skyrocketed in a relatively short time. I think this is kind of interesting because it makes me question the future: will all of these advancements have drawbacks? If we are increasing by the billions this quickly what will my future be like? Finally, we watched a video of a Swedish statistical scientist showing how life span and income of different countries has changed overtime.


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