
Showing posts from August, 2017

A message to Garcia/5 point plan

My interpretation of A Message to Garcia is that hard workers are rare, valuable and great people. Also that people who are lazy do not get very far in life. Elbert Hubbard used the example of someone working in an office, and they asked one of their workers to look something up in an encyclopedia. But the worker complains and tries to get out of doing the job. This is Hubbard's way of saying how many people try to get out of doing a job or try to put as least effort as possible while doing it. Hubbard also made a point of how there is a constant process of weeding out in all jobs. The incompetent and lazy get fired. He uses the example of a worker that he describes as extremely lazy and very stupid getting fired and looking for work, even though no one would hire him. Towards the end, Hubbard especially emphasized how much these hard workers needed. ''Civilization is one long anxious search for just such individuals. Anything such a man asks will be granted; his kind is s

My second day at John Carroll

     Mr. Schick's class was quite interesting today and very informative. One of my classmates, Vlad, had a bit of trouble with his blog. It was quite funny and it got to the point where we were all anticipating if his blog would actually work or not. For the rest of the class, we went over what we would be learning and the rules. One rule I remember is that everyday an assignment is not turned in, it's ten points off. Mr. Schick made a great point about how many people reject knowledge because they don't have a very open mind. I enjoy learning about different people's ideas so I like to be more open minded. One funny thing that happened was when the band started practicing outside. A loud drumbeat played while Mr. Schick told us about what we needed for his class. He also explained that human geography was actually about different cultures and different ways people live around the world . I am excited for this class and eager to learn more.

My first day of attending classes at JC

       My first day at John Carroll was very good. I was expecting something a little different, but what I experienced was still good. I arrived slightly late to my first class because I was misinformed that it was a different letter day. However, I was excused and not marked late. I appreciated this greatly and promised to myself that I would arrive on time next time.        I learned what I needed for my Human Geography class, what I should expect, and what my teacher was like. After that, I headed to my next class, algebra. I enjoy math so I found the practice problems my teacher, Mr. McIntyre, gave to me very easy. Then I had my normal classes, Biology, Health and Wellness, and then finally, Intro to Bible. In these classes, I learned the basics of the each class, like where to sit, what I would be learning, etc. I appreciated the friendliness of the teachers and students. It was a very nice environment to work in. Overall, it was a good day and now I am looking forward to my tim